Using synthetic biology methods, the Escherichia coli K-12 genome was reduced by making a series of planned, precise deletions. The multiple-deletion series (MDS™) strains (1), with genome reduction of up to 15%, were designed by identifying non-essential genes and sequences for elimination, including recombinogenic or mobile DNA and cryptic virulence genes, while preserving robust growth and protein production. Genome reduction also led to unanticipated beneficial properties, including high electroporation efficiency and accurate propagation of recombinant genes and plasmids that are unstable in other strains. Subsequent deletions and introduction of useful alleles produce strains suitable for many molecular biology applications.
Figure 1: Multiple Deletion Strains tolerate "deleterious” genes. A chimeric gene composed of VP60 of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus fused to the B subunit of cholera toxin (CTX) was very unstable in E. coli. Individually, both genes were stable in E. coli HB101, C600 and DH10B, but pCTXVP60 carrying the fusion gene in the same hosts did not produce fusion protein and was recovered in low yields. All recovered plasmids contained mutations in the CTXVP60 open reading frame, virtually all resulting from IS insertions. In contrast, the recombinant plasmid was completely stable in MDS™; normal yields of plasmid DNA were obtained. Representative restriction patterns of pCTXVP60. (A) Plasmid DNA from MDS™42 was transformed and propagated in the indicated host, then digested with NcoI and EcoRI. A representative of each restriction pattern was purified and sequenced. M, molecular weight marker, 1 kbp ladder; 1, MDS™41, no insertion; 2, MDS™42, no insertion; 3, DH10B, IS10 insertion; 4, DH10B, IS10 insertion/deletion; 5, C600, IS5 insertion; 6, C600, IS1 insertion; 7, C600, IS1 insertion. (B) Relative position of the IS element insertion sites in the CTXVP60 reading frame determined for the five examples presented.
Figure 2: Plasmid stability in different host strains. Left: during four subcultures of pT-ITR, a plasmid with viral LTR segments; Lane 0, isolated plasmid DNA before subculture, lanes 1-4, successive subcultures. Plasmid DNA was digested with restriction enzymes and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. KpnI cuts the plasmid at a single site, but in MG1655 two bands indicate a deletion in the plasmid. MscI cuts at two locations, but in MG1655 a third intermediate band confirms that the plasmid is deleted. Right: Stability of four variants of a Lentiviral expression plasmid in MDS™42 ΔrecA and Stbl3™ (Life Technologies), showing the proportion of transformants containing intact plasmids (Table 2 BioTechniques 43:466-470 (October 2007))(2).
Kit Components
MDS™42 Electrocompetent Cells | 0.2 mL |
MDS™42 ΔrecA Electrocompetent Cells | 0.2 mL |
MDS™42 ΔrecA Blue Electrocompetent Cells | 0.2 mL |
pUC19 Control DNA (10 pg/µl) | 50 µL |
SOC Medium | 2 x 10 mL |
White Glove IS Detection Kit
Product Manuals MDS™42 Combination Package Electrocompetent Cell Kit Papers
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Scarab Genomics,LLC成立于2002年,目的是将清洁基因组 ®多重缺失系列(MDS)大肠杆菌商业化,这是由麦迪逊威斯康星大学的Fred Blattner博士的研究产生的。金龟子基因组学已在威斯康星州校友研究基金会获得了专利授权的全球范围内的简化基因组技术。
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