Researchers generating biological materials often need to validate the identity of their production host strains for Quality Control and regulatory purposes. The Scarab Strain Identification (SSI) kit is designed to validate and verify the identity of Scarab Genomics’ Multiple Deletion Series (MDS™) Clean Genome® E. coli host strains. The MDS™ strains have been engineered by deleting over 15 % of the genome from the K12 reference strain MG1655, resulting in improved performance in many applications including production of biopharmaceuticals. As a side effect of the numerous genomic deletions, MDS™ host strains have missing or altered genes that affect secondary metabolic characteristics (e.g. nutritional requirements) that are sometimes used in traditional microbial identification. As a result, Clean Genome® strains are not always properly identified as “E. coli” when evaluated by growth phenotype tests. One set of tests using the BiOLOG Phenotype Microarray™ metabolic panel analysis identified MDS™42 as having a 95% probability of being a Citrobacter species rather than E. coli. This kit addresses the issues that may occur with phenotype based assays by providing a genome based approach wherein a panel of specific sequences unique to the MDS™ strains are assayed by PCR. The MDS™ strains are very distinct from other commonly used E. coli hosts due to the many genomic deletions generated during their creation. This kit uses primers designed to distinguish whether a given bacterial genomic DNA sample has or lacks a series of genomic modifications specific to the MDS™ strains.
A) B)
Figure 1: Primer Validation with Positive and Negative Control Genomic DNAs and Citrobacter Genomic DNA and Expected Size Amplicon. (A) SDS-PAGE of PCR reaction products for the positive and negative controls. M = 1kb Plus DNA Ladder (Invitrogen) (B) Indicates the expected size of the resulting amplicon.
Kit Components
Forward Primers | Reverse Primer |
F-SSI-Del A | R-SSI-Del A |
F-SSI-Del B | R-SSI-Del B |
F-SSI-Del C | R-SSI-Del C |
F-SSI-Del D | R-SSI-Del D |
F-SSI-Del E | R-SSI-Del E |
F-SSI-Del F1 | R-SSI-Del F1 |
F-SSI-Del F2 | R-SSI-Del F2 |
F-SSI-Del G1 | R-SSI-Del G1 |
F-SSI-Del G2 | R-SSI-Del G2 |
F-SSI-Del H1 | R-SSI-Del h2 |
F-SSI-Del I | R-SSI-Del I |
F-SSI-Del J | R-SSI-Del J |
F-SSI-Del K | R-SSI-Del K |
White Glove IS Detection Kit
Product Manuals Scarab Strain Identification Kit Papers
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Clean Genome® is a registered trademark of Scarab Genomics, LLC.Scarab Genomics,LLC成立于2002年,目的是将清洁基因组 ®多重缺失系列(MDS)大肠杆菌商业化,这是由麦迪逊威斯康星大学的Fred Blattner博士的研究产生的。金龟子基因组学已在威斯康星州校友研究基金会获得了专利授权的全球范围内的简化基因组技术。
清洁Genome® 大肠杆菌菌株的 好处